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(770) 274-6132
Hight Law has industry experience advising IT, e-commerce, and software companies in the technology sector. This includes the areas of software, SaaS, and web services. While many technology companies have issues and life-cycles common to many start-ups, they are have unique needs that require an experienced legal adviser. Hight Law has guided companies from start-up through exit and has the sophistication and insight to know what works and what doesn't. We offer effective advice based on a client's acceptable risk profile.
Hight Law routinely asists our technology clients in the negotiation, documentation and implementation of a variety of transactions. These typically include the development, acquisition, licensing, and sale of software and technology. We also offer a number of technology related services that include:
Allocation of IP rights
Commercial contracts
Damage disclaimers
Distribution agreements
Financing agreements (including factoring)
Limitations of liability
Outsourcing agreements
Software and services licensing terms
Re-sale agreements